Testimony | Pastor Ken Branam, Elder
Ken Branam was born at Annapolis, Maryland. His dad was a career military officer and the Branam family moved often. Ken’s early years were spent in California, and when his dad retired, the family moved to Tyler, Texas.
After high school graduation, Ken enlisted in the U.S. Navy. He was Honorably Discharged With Distinction from the Navy and returned to Tyler to pursue his education.
In 1971 Ken came to know Jesus Christ as his Lord and Savior. Some months later he sensed God calling him to serve in full-time ministry. That same year he married the love of his life, Dot. They recently celebrated their 50th anniversary. Ken and Dot have two grown daughters, Jennifer and Jessica, and three granddaughters, Kenzie, Maddie Grace, and Brynnleigh.
Over the course of 45 years, Ken served as the Senior Pastor of five churches. He also traveled the world ministering in numerous foreign countries. He retired in 2017 and since then he served two churches as Interim Pastor.
In 2020 Ken joined with Senior Pastor Yingsong Kaping to serve as an Elder at One Church in Dallas. His deepest desire is to help Pastor Ying and the faith family of One Church to reach the Lake Highlands community with the message of God’s love, hope, grace, and salvation through Jesus Christ.